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Enchanted Garden

Enchanted Garden

Ref: MAEN-02

In stock

Enchanted Garden Majestix Stamp Set with 7 lovely fairy design in differant postures and 3 stars to create bueatiful fantastical scenes. Some fairy designs are mirror images so you can Create Fairies facing each other. With 10 stamps this set is great value for money.

Stamping Guide as seen on the Packaging
For more information See Hints and Tips for Majestix Stamping
The Largest Stamp in this set will fit onto a Large Peg.
Rub Colour onto the card to create a background. We have used Versa-color Atlantic and Peony. The technique we have used is to simply dab into the inkpad with a dried out baby-wipe. Visit our website for more info.
Use the Fine-liner to draw a line to the wire.
Stamp the Fairies out in Black. We have used Ranger Archival Jet Black.
Colours Used: Versacolor; Atlantic and Peony. Ranger Archival; Jet Black.

Price: £6.00 (Including VAT at 19.95%)

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